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Project Activities


Project-01: Strengthening Community Capacity to Ensure Women Human Rights  (SCWHR)

Project Activities and Outputs of activities

As the VAW (violence against women) is the consequence of complex nature of causes, thus this project is designed to work in a holistic (multi-dimensions) approach including individual, household & community level as well as demand-based and supply-based preventive and remedial actions to produce impacts durable.

Activities under objectives 1 (To enhance capacity and create proactive the community to address the VAW and violation of women human rights)

Activity 1.1: Primary group formation and group leader training.

Develop local agencies/primary groups at community that empower participation of target beneficiaries in addressing issues affecting them especially issues of violation of rights and entitlements (e.g. safety-net, medical etc) and allow them in development processes through collective engagement. This project will facilitate community to form Village/ Para Adhikar Surakkha Committee – VASC (Village/Para Rights Protection Committee) at their community.  The VASC will form with 25-30 members and they will elect / nominate a management committee for running this committee. The project is provding support to develop capacity of this committee those who will work also as a community force to strengthen solidarity among poor men and women.

Outputs for Activity 1.1

–  154 VASC (Village/ Para Adhikar Surakkha Committee) formed and functioning

–  308 VASC’s leaders trained on leadership capacity and are engaged in VASC operation

–  # of VASC meeting organized by them themselves as a monthly basis

Activity 1.2: CAP (Community Action Plan) development

Violation against women rooted into deep attitude and behavior of community people. There is a need to develop community solidarity and participation and inclusion of the poor and women in development processes. These community groups have effective in developing their collective vision, such as community action plan (CAP), of success. This project facilitated community to develop their CAP through wellbeing analysis, problem prioritization, problem analysis, sources of support, courses of action etc. The intention of the CAP is therefore not only to design a community development blueprint, but also to enhance the capacity and solidarity among community groups. 

Outputs for Activity 1.2

– 154 CAP developed focusing issues related to rights and development

– 308 meetings organized to follow up, monitor and review the cap in the following 2 years

Activity 1.3: Community mobilization and awareness building

Based on demand & supply driven, this project is designed to build capacity of the beneficiaries to raise their voice of social justice, safety net, medical &legal support and claim the services that they are entitled. The rights and dignity of people will not be established unless and until that they are not able to claim it by themselves. Under this activity a series of awareness and mobilization activities such as issue-based sessions, couple session, courtyard meeting, counseling etc is going on. Booklets on useful laws in simple Bangla version will also be prepared and distributed for making their knowledge durable.

Outputs for activity 1.3

– 3850 participants of 154 groups oriented on basic human rights and primary way of right protection

– 616 awareness sessions (4 sessions per group in 1st year and follow up session in following years)

Activities 1.4: Adolescent confidence building

Adolescent girl are the tomorrow’s women. To contribute toward to equal status and equal dignity of women in a society the knowledge and confident of adolescent is very important. In this regards this project is working with adolescent girls for demonstrating the effectiveness in family and society.

Outputs for activity 1.4

–  6 adolescent clubs formed

–  150 adolescent received orientation on gender equality and women rights

–  180 meeting organized with adolescent club

Activity 1.5: Young force/ Student awareness development

To establish equal status and equal dignity of women in a society it needs to change attitude and mind set of community people. The young generation is one of the key actors to lead the change of social attitude. They are the tomorrow’s leader. The young people, especially the students have potential influential power over her / his family. With this aims to develop tomorrow’s leader as gender sensitive, this project is working with student following “student to family approach”. In this connection the project will have the provision to develop Master Trainer from school teachers.    

Outputs for Activity 1.5

–  2250 students received awareness orientation and follow up sessions

–  5 events (essay writing, debate competition, grams etc) organized at schools and colleges

–  MOU will sign with 9 educational institutions

Activities under objectives 2 (To strengthen the local platforms and service providing institutions for effective mechanism to support the women and children survivors and ensuring social justice)

Activity 2.1: Parallel Investigation for legal procedures and advocacy

Parallel investigation will make for evidence for legal procedure and advocacy. The project is conducting parallel investigate the cases important on the ground of human rights. Findings of parallel investigations is documented and referred to use by the relevant authority as procuring evidence & witnesses. Further, this project is conducting fact-findings mission on national sensitive and public interest cases for evidences to share with wider audience with the aims to develop common voice for policy advocacy (refers to policy enforcement, policy reformation and policy formation)  

Outputs for Activity 2.1

  • # of case (up to 220) investigated and referred for further support with legal aid, medical, IGAs etc
  • # of National sensitive / public interest case investigated for policy advocacy (need based)

Activity 2.2: On-spot (Thana,court hajat, hospital) monitoring and development

The strategy proposed under this activity seeks to promote mechanism of positive attitude and quality/skills service among the police station (Thana), hospital and court-hajat through strategic collaborations based on common vision and values. In this connection, the organization, Manabadhikar, has worthy experience on working with law enforcement agencies and hospital.   

Outputs for Activity 2.2

–  On sport monitored of 5 Thana, 3 Court Hajat and 3 Hospitals

–  60 consultation and sharing meeting (quarterly) organized with Thana staff.

Activity 2.3: Legal Aid support

Although there is constitutional guarantees, but still rights are often violated in the case those who are poor and marginalized. The key challenges of access to justice are as it complex and long process involving different agencies as lawyers, police, medical officer, Judges and also expensive. This project is providing legal support to them in fighting legal battle to establish rights and dignity.  This includes legal procedures, an appeal, review in the higher court, lobbying, media coverage etc. This project also has provision of writ petitions for wider and sustainable impacts

Outputs for Activity 2.3

– 288 survivors received legal aid support

– Provided legal service support to 189 pending/ old cases at Jhenaidha and Chittagong

# of Writ petition filed on national sensitive / public litigation case (need based)  

Activity 2.4: Mediation and community Arbitrators development

Many occurrences happen in the family related to family matters, where many of victims don’t get  justice due to lack of understanding what should do or where should go. At the same time there are some cases just misunderstanding, ego or like that, can be solved with the eagerness of both parties. With the intension to mitigate the solution-able problems, this project will undertake mediation at a regular basis. Beside this the existing community arbitration structure will be strengthened with proper knowledge and procedures, so that they can mediate the disputes rightly and legally    

Outputs for activity 2.4:

# of mediation undertook at all the 5 working units ( Dhaka, Tangail and Khulna up to December’16 & Jheniadha and Chittagong up to July’15) at a regular basis (at least 5 cases per month per unit)

Activity 2.5: NNPC (Nari Nirjatan Protiroad Committee) strengthening

The NNPC is a service structure created by government at local government (Union Parishad-UP) for protection and promotion human rights of women and children. As a new structure, NNPC is not formed or formed weakly due to little knowledge of UP members on the procedure and modalities of NNPC.  This project will strengthen the capacity of NNPC for proper and effective functioning.

Outputs for Activity 2.5

– 2 NNPC reformed/ formed and functioning at 2 local government bodies (UP)

– 42 members from 2 NNPC trained and are engaged in performing assigned responsibility

– 16 coordination and progress review meeting organized with NNPC (Quarterly) 

Activity 2.6: Enforcement of National Legal Aid Support Act 2000

To ensure access to justice for poor and vulnerable people the government of Bangladesh has created National Legal Aid Support (NLAS) fund, but the targeted people are not aware enough to use this support from the government. On the other hand, rural people generally do not have access to NLAS facilities because of non-availability of the NLAS Committee within their reach. As per article-12 of the NLSA Act, this project will take initiative to form/reform and strengthen NLAS Committee at Upazila and Union level that the survivors (victims) can reach easily.   

Outputs for activity 2.6:

–   # of sharing / consultant meeting with beneficiaries / NLAS Committee 

Activities under objectives 3 (To establish mechanism for tracking the incidence of violence and promote evidence based advocacy)

Activity 3.1: Community Gathering & Sharing Experience/best practices

To changing mind setup of community people on gender equality and against violence against women this project will initiate opportunity for learning and sharing. Under this activity Community Right Fair followed by cultural events will be organized by them themselves which will bring together project participants along with people from extended community including other service providers e.g. police, lawyers, medical doctors, civil society, community leaders and local government representatives. The project is documenting and producing learning and sharing outputs that are applicable and understandable for the communities and share it in regional and national level to make micro-macro linked.

Outputs for Activity 3.1

–  4 Community Right Fair/awareness session organized at community level

–  4 Cultural events organized followed by Community Right Fair/community awareness session

–  8 service provider workshops organized

Activity 3.2:   Social incidents tracking & documentation as a strategy of advocacy to create wider opinion/ voice on particulate right issues.

 Outputs for activity 3.2

  • Database kept on social incidents
  • Status of incidents disseminated regularly

Activity 3.3: Day Observance

This project will organize day-observation at community level on national and international days for women and girl’s rights with the aim to increase their awareness and solidarity among them

Outputs for Activity 3.3

– 3 national and international day (International Women Day, Begum Rokeya day and Human Rights day etc) observed at 9 communities in each year

Activity 3.4: Legal Service Camp

Community people especially the women in community have little opportunity to consult their legal problem with lawyers. This project also arrange ‘Legal Service Camp’ at their community where lawyer from project as well as from PP or other legal service providers are invited to advice and answer the participants .

Outputs for Activity 3.4

– 72 camp arranged at community

Activities under objectives 4 (To increase recognition of women’s contribution in family as well as society and country (economic and non-economic) development)

Activity 4.1: Group Leaders Orientations

Leader of Village Adhikar Surakha Committee (VASE) is already trained-up on protection of human rights and they are also already recognized leader in their community. Now these leaders are oriented with the objective of Morjaday Gori Samata and their responsibility so that they can contribute in women dignity in their community

Outputs for Activity 4.1

  • 308 VASE leaders oriented on   Morjaday Gori Samata

Activity 4.2: Awareness among the young people

Young people are the tomorrow’s leader in the society. So the lead the change of attitude of the society as well as in the family they need to well aware about the contribution, rights and dignity of men and women. With this aims this project will build awareness of 2250 students of 9 school/ colleges.

Outputs for Activity 4.2

  • Provided awareness session with 2250 student (girls and boys 50-50)
  • 9 awareness events (essay writing, debate, grams etc) organized at 9schools/colleges
  • Quarterly Group meeting on Morjadfay Gori Samata for 154 groups
  • 693 Court yard session on Morjaday Gori Samata  

Activity 4.3: Community mass gathering

Community mass gathering can be an important platform for sharing and learning of common issues of women and men rights and dignity in development. This project organizes number of community mass gathering event focusing women contribution in economic development inviting other relevant government and people represent gust. Those gathering usually end followed by cultural event performed by oriented local cultural group

Outputs for Activity 4.3

  • 5 community mass gathering / fair organized
  • 5 cultural fair arranged followed by fair

Activity 4.4: Volunteer Group formation

To assist campaign on ‘Morjaday Gori Samata’ at local level, this project will form Volunteer Group comprising student, adolescent and couple from local community, and develop them with orientation, meeting, discussion etc for these activities

Outputs for Activity 4.4

  • 60 Volunteers developed with capacity and changed themselves and assisted said campaign

Activity 4.5: Campaign: procession

To make the slogan ‘Morjaday Gori Samata` popular and wide accepted and to grow interest among the cross section of the people and to increase awareness of the community, this project will organized a number of procession / rally in the community leaded by the community volunteers.

Outputs for Activity 4.5

  • 15 rally / procession organized at communities

# of people participated in the said procession rally

Project-02: Prevent Trafficking through Community Capacity


(1) Start up Activities

Staff recruitment, project orientation and staff development, office set up, working village selection, project action plan development, monitoring and reporting framework development etc.

(2) Baseline Survey

At the beginning of the project a quick baseline survey/ initial assessment will be undertaken. The data/ findings of baseline survey will be needed for measuring the success of the results of the project at the end and mid-time. This date also contributes to determine the appropriateness of the other interventions and strategies and help in planning currently any in future and using as reference in future. This survey could be undertaken jointly with other partners of BC/TIP through third-party expert for minimizing the cost.

(3) Peer Leader Development

This project will develop 120 Peer Leader (PL) at 12 Unions through training followed by refresher. PL development is one of the major activities of this project. They will be the key outreach actors for the project. They will be selected through a process, such as, primary listing of potential PLs using UP digital center, consulting key informants and observation. Final selection of PL will be made through informal interview following set criteria such as age, minimum education level, interest and time to work in community, previous engagement in community mobilization activities etc. PL list will be checked appropriately to avoid duplication them with other BC/TIP partners. Project will ensure equally proportionate number of male and female peer leaders. After selection of the PL, a two-day intensive training will be provided on TIP prevention activities, leadership, networking and referral. In addition, time to time necessary information will be provided to update them through orientation/meeting and engaging them in various events as apprenticeship, besides providing refresher training in each year.

(4) CTC strengthening and functioning

In-depth training will be provided to CTCs (Counter –Trafficking Committee) members at district, Upazila and Union level on their roles, responsibilities and National Plan of Action followed by regular consultation and coordination meeting. The training will be arranged at district level and initial total participant will be 60 from all three tiers (district, Upazila and Union) and also there will be provision to attend the PL in this training as mechanism of rapport and coordination. The trained up CTCs will be the key platform to support at-risk and victims take actions for trafficking prevention and protection. Project local staff and the PL will coordinate with them. Encourage and pursue CTCs to keep record of their achievement and actions. The staff member will collect said report from CTC one in every three.

(5) Identification of at-risk or survivors and referral to support service

TIP survivors identification and referring to appropriate service and assistance will be important activities of this project. It will be a direct outcome of the prevention and community mobilization activities. In this connection this project will be in close contact with YPSA, the other BC/TIP protection partners, to ensure functional referral service. In this regard a MOU already signed between YPSA and BSEHR. Besides, the project will also explore various skill development and employment opportunities from institutions e.g. youth development, Women and Child Affairs etc for the people who are at risk of trafficking. The number of referral cases will be depended on the number of identification, their interest and our/ partner capacity. All referral case and services will be recorded for further uses based on MOU. The project Coordinator will primarily be responsible for implementation and monitoring of the agreed cooperation/ assistance described in the MOU while the ED will provide guidance and look after overall progress and constraints. There will also have provision to sit together with the MOU-signed partners time to time to review the progress and constraints (if any). (Please see MOU attached as annex – 4 & 4.1).

(6) Multi-stakeholders coordination and Support

TIP is a serious and diversified offence needs multi-dimensional support and initiatives to challenge it. In this connection DEMO, TTC, CTCs and private sectors are the major stakeholders. This project will organize multi-stakeholders workshops with them at district level with 30 participants including representative from local Youth Development Department, Social Welfare and community in each year in each district of Coz’s Bazar and Chittagong (total workshop 4 and participants 120 as plan) BC/TIP Program Trafficking Prevention and Community Mobilization Request for Applications 20

It is expected that these workshops will establish relationship among the community and other stakeholders and increase an effective coordinate, cooperation and support e.g. skill development, employment opportunities, update and correct information etc to the people especially those who are identified at risk of trafficking. It is noted that – the USAID regulations will be followed strictly on inviting any law-enforcers in any workshop or training organized under this project.

(7) Youth mobilization against TIP

Awareness program with youth/ adolescent boys and girls at schools /Madrassa is a proven effective action against TIP. During the ACT program we did it through video show followed by discussion on TIP and safe migration. This project will conduct similar awareness and motivation program with youth and adolescent girls and boys at least one program at each of 12 Union. In addition there will be provision for TIP awareness through puppet show at school in partnership with BITA (Bangladesh Institute of Theater Arts).

(8) Partnership, Public Awareness and victims support

This project will establish a serious of working partnership for awareness building of community and supporting the victims. In this connection MOU (pls see annex 4 & 4.1) has already signed with YPSA and SHISUK for victims protection and legal aid support and BITA (Bangladesh Institute of Theater Arts) for puppet show and mock-drill at school and community, Radio NAF and Palli Kantho Radio for on-air TIP messages (MOU with BITA, Radio NAF and Palli Kantho Radio is under process)

Capacity Building of local NGO activists for better management of NGOs


Course Design: BMBS Training cell will design particular courses (i.e. Project Management, Good Governance, Project Proposal, Advocacy, Fund Raising etc) for capacity building workshop especially for NGO professionals to make them more competent, capable and community focused. The objective of this task is to provide simple and easy information on the particular topics so that NGO professionals can run their project in an efficient way.

Confirmation of Resource Person and Participants: BMBS is responsible to confirm high quality resource person from the International organizations to provide better trainingBMBS also responsible for contacting different participants for the particular training by using email, networking and advertisement.

Training Materials: BMBS ensure the highest quality of training materials for the participant so that they can use the resources for their own staff as well. BMBS also provide certificate for the participants.

Training Logistics: BMBS ensure the participants lodging provide high quality food and also ensure their training logistics such as bag, required stationary etc in an efficient manner. 


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